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Welcome to my blog.

Below is the list of all my blog posts.

List of the essential applications that you need to have

These are my recommended must-have applications that you should try to use (at least). Sure, tastes differ, but these apps cover most of my needs. I prefer to use FOSS, and I strive to achieve this in every way possible.

Must have browser extensions

My must have browser extensions

Leverage Whatsapp like your own API!

I have collected different variations of toolkits to make communicating with Whatsapp easier without creating a business account.

Use at your own risk! I'm not responsible for any misuse of the information provided here.




Third-party API solutions

WABA (WahtsApp Buisness API)

Custom Telegram client API credentials

There are Telegram Custom Clients API credentials.

Disclaimer 1: I don't own any of them. These credentials are for educational purposes only and taken from open sources.

Disclaimer 2: You can't just copy and paste official client credentials into custom bundled client. Telegram server doesn't let you to have more than 1 account. If you want see this limitation in real world use Telegraher (outdated).

Reset the trial version of Transcribe! on Linux (and maybe MacOS)

For Windows, we have a number of keygen activators that allow we to use Transcribe! free of charge. For Linux, these keygens are not compatible, so we have to do something about that. Without many words, let's just give you a script that will reset the trial version of Transcribe!

rm ~/.yeqwqauh ~/.Transcribe!7

Yep, that is :) Deleting these files will reset Transcribe! settings, including trial information.

My experience of taking medications and some side effects and notes about Vortioxetine (Brintellix, Trintellix, Fonksera), Lamotrigine (Lamictal) and Olanzapine (Ferzapine)

TW: suicide


Everyone is different! You may have different drug interaction, so please do not take my own experience seriously. In order to compensate this I would add my personal findings, with sources, so you would able to critically analyze results and make some conclusions by yourself. Be safe.